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Poster Session 1 & Coffee Break

Kosovel Hall
Saturday, July 6, 2024
13:15 - 15:00
Foyer 2


Ms. Alex Carter
University Of York

Binocular interactions for chromoluminance stimuli measured with SSVEP

Dr. Ana Rozman
School of Psychology, University of Sussex

A comparison of two approaches that use SSVEPs to characterise cortical colour tuning functions

Mr. Renārs Trukša
University Of Latvia

Cataract effect on chromatic resolution and colour perception

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Dr. Christoph Witzel
University Of Southampton

Complementary Colours in Heterochromatic Flicker Fusion

Dr. Masahiko Yamakawa
Yokohama National University

Blackness perception is affected by the stimulation of melanopsin cells

Dr. Amanda Douglass
Andrew Parker
Deakin University

Custom colour selection improves symbology identification

Dr. Misha Vorobyev
University Of Auckland

Colour-music association is mediated via S-(L+M) colour pathway rather than by the blue-yellow one

Dr. Frederic Devinck
Université Rennes 2

Warm/cool judgements as a function of hue, value and chroma

Ms. Yuanyuan He
Chiba University

Influences of melanin and hemoglobin changes on facial color perception

Mr. Jake Manalansan
University Of Nevada Reno

Asymmetries in colour search

Mr. Alexander Belsten
UC Berkeley

Emergence of selective L-M cone antagonism from efficient coding of spatiochromatic natural images

Dr. James A. Kuchenbecker
Alberta Pierobon
University of Washington

Electrophysiological evidence for a GABA-mediated feedforward pathway in the outer retina for mediating color vision

Dr. Olivier Marre

Color processing is constrained by eye optics in the retina of nocturnal primates

Dr. Ali Almustanyir
King Saud University

Evaluation of the Waggoner Computerized Color Test in Detecting Color Vision Deficiency.

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Dr. Isabel Arranz
Universidad de Valladolid

The correlation between colour temperature and glare during night driving

Dr. Michael Crognale
Holly Herzog
University Of Nevada, Reno

Evaluation of two novel, tablet-based color vision tests

Mr. Jose Maria Fanchini

Designing and developing a portable five-primary photostimulator for investigating melanopsin's role in color vision, tailored for rural environments

Prof. Katsuaki Sakata
Joshibi University Of Art And Design

Diversity in colour vision

Dr. Jeff Hovis
Chris Hovis
University Of Waterloo

Difficulties color vision defectives encounter when interacting with digital displays at school and work

Mr. Taiju Inoshita
Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University

The relationship between types of anomalous trichromats and observer metamerism on wide-gamut display

Mr. Jesse Macyczko
University Of Nevada, Reno

Color categories in normal and color-deficient observers

Ms. Dora N. Marques
Physics Centre of Minho and Porto Universities (CF-UM-UP)

Colour naming of natural colours in normal trichromats and dichromats

Dr. Martin Glösmann
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

A preterminal nonsense mutation in the short-wavelength-sensitive cone pigment gene of hedgehogs with unclear functional consequences.

Dr. Daniel Joyce
University Of Southern Queensland

Colour statistics of colour-labelled objects created by generative AI
