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Session 7: Colour Cognition I

Kosovel Hall
Sunday, July 7, 2024
9:00 - 10:15
Kosovel Hall


12 Minutes Oral Presentation with 3 Minutes Discussion


Mr. Giulio Palma
University Of Southampton

Hue-specific effects of lighting on perceived atmosphere

9:00 - 9:15
Prof. David Foster
University of Manchester

Increasing colour information from natural scenes during visual search

9:15 - 9:30
Dr. Yan Lu
University Of Manchester

Active visual search for coloured targets in virtual outdoor environments

9:30 - 9:45
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Dr. Ian Pennock
University Of Sussex

The colour statistics of objects and an investigation of their neural representation

9:45 - 10:00
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Dr. Sergio Nascimento
University of Minho

The use of colours in complex colour compositions by individuals with and without artistic education

10:00 - 10:15


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Jasna Martinovic
University Of Edinburgh
